Daily Centerings
A daily discipline: universal devotions that transcend belief (or unbelief)
(more about the Centerings)

The Purpose of Each Practice

When I was writing the Daily Centerings, I had a specific purpose in mind for the Practice at each time of day.

Simply put, these are:

In the morning, we practice Mindfulness

At midday, we practice Compassion

In the evening, we practice Gratitude

At night, we practice Peace

Here is an expanded expression of these ideas:

In the morning, we practice Mindfulness

  • We focus on the tasks of the day ahead
  • We become aware of the world and its phenomena
  • We awaken ourselves to the wonder of life

At midday, we practice Compassion

  • We call to mind the needs of others in our lives
  • We address concerns about our communities, nations, and the world
  • We affirm the good in ourselves

In the evening, we practice Gratitude

  • We recall kindnesses received during the day
  • We think of specific people who have contributed to the quality of our lives
  • We appreciate the circumstances that we live in

At night, we practice Peace.

  • We review any actions of the day that may get in the way of peace
  • We release the cares of the day
  • We relax in the knowledge of our health and happiness

A person with little time might even just "think on these things" at the appropriate time of day.

See also:

How to Use Your Daily Centerings

Preparing for Your Daily Centerings

A Word on Wording

A Word on Times

Practicing Your Daily Centerings with Others

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